Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Downer Dragonflies


I sat in my usual seat with my usual posse. Yet, I also seemed to make an unusual connection. Karl lectured on dragonflies today. They are part of the order Odonata. As I burned the bug knowledge into my noggin, I began finding interesting metaphorical parallels with these dragonfly attributes and certain people.

Incomplete metamorphosis.
Unlike beautiful butterflies that grow along the lines of complete metamorphosis the dragonfly undergoes incomplete metamorphosis. The fact they are labeled incomplete doesn't make them any less of an insect it just means they only go through 3 life stages rather the 4 life stages complete metamorphosis insects go through. 80% of all insects blossom through the process of complete metamorphosis while the remaining insects like cockroaches and dragonflies are in the minority of NOT. Perhaps these dragonflies feel that since it only takes them 3 life stages to become an adult they are better, have more knowledge or of a higher class than you?

Biting mouthparts.
Aggressive. These bugs can't survive without eating other bugs alive. Quite comparable to how people can be. Angrily accusing, telling people off, or just being a complete BITCH. Making one feel less of themself to somehow make themselves appear more mature than the rest.

Small Antennae.
Not as aware as others with larger antennae. Something could be staring them right in the face and they wouldn't know it. Whether it's another insect or figuratively speaking, a concept they just can't seem to wrap their little antennae around. You feel bad for them because they miss out on a lot without realizing. They are quick to assume and are never quite as successful in their argumentative ways in the end.

This one kind of goes hand in hand with having biting mouthparts. Always ready to prey, but never be preyed upon. These so called predators fail to realize the world operates on a little system called the circle of life. As much as they may want to believe, there's no way in hell a Dragonfly is at the top of the food chain.

VERY large eyes.
Ha! How ironic!?

Forever and Always,
The Queen


  1. You forgot to not that certain groups of dragonflies are bi-pedal and wear crappy payless shoes.

  2. Classy too, these dragonflies.

  3. ikr?



  4. "Dragonflies are predators, whisking
    other flying insects into a trap formed by their hairy legs. Their
    powerful jaws chomp through their prey starting with the head first."
