Sunday, September 27, 2009

Brunch and Board

Well, my BFF and I have decided to start a blog.

Our celeb status began when both of us were crowned King and Queen for homecoming and prom court in high school. As I was the face our high school, being host of all pep rallies and morning TV shows while the BFF was editor of yearbook and President of Beta Club we basically ran the school. Things just seemed to carry over into college and since then we've become an even bigger deal.

We decided it was important to record our fame through a blog of just a rundown of our typical day.

For instance, today we wake up (after a night of raging) in our own warm beds. We didn't awake in any sketchy frat or rando's couches...we were escorted back to our residences courtesy of a few fans because we were both far too krunk to drive ourselves...and who drives themselves anywhere anyway? EWWW! DRIVER!

We strolled over to the dining commons for a simple brunch, but it wasn't until I put my first spoonful of cereal in my mouth an adoring onlooker approached cautiously. We had met him the night before as he slaved over the stove and prepared us our dinner. Ugh, just another worker to our life. He bravely questioned if he could join us and we looked at each other as we have many times before in a moment of someone's starstruck-ness and said..."of course." We caved in. He probably felt like such a star.

I've been studying most of today because a celeb has to retain her reputation by keeping her academics in tip top shape in order to continue the cash flow that is HOPE.

Later tonight we will dine somewhere downtown (probably somewhere low key so the commoners don't bother us with their stop and chats) and then we will proceed to attend our meeting at 8:30pm. It should come as no surprise that the both of us were hand selected to be on the founding Executive Board of the school organization. What makes it even better is that we are Co-Directors of the same committee, Public Relations. Ahh yes, Public Relations. Isn't that the idea of gaining exposure to a certain cause or organization? I guess the people in charge knew exposure was one of our fortes.

Well, I've gotta continue my studies. You should do the same.

Forever and Always,
The Queen

1 comment:

  1. This is so awesome! Finally someone with some tude...
